Anecdotes – Round 3 (Day 1)

Team entrances

This season we have an amazing 15 Senior Teams playing for West Penno – the same as last season and a Club and Association record. This brings us to 514 Senior Teams that have played under our banner since we started as a Club in 1930/31.

To complete the picture, we registered 39 x Junior Teams brining us to a total of 1,218 Teams. The Girls Rego’s also had another big season with 65 Rego’s to bring us to a total of 1,277 since we started in 1997/98.

A1 Grade by the numbers

Starting this week, we will provide a statistical insight into each of our Grades over the years to provide an insight into the history of each Grade our people are playing in. This week we start with A1 Grade – next week it will be A2 Grade:

We first competed in the A1 Grade competition way back in 1951/52. Since then we have played in 68 seasons – the last 59 seasons consecutively. Some interesting facts, by the numbers:

  • 25 Captains – our current A1 Leader is Cameron McBrien
  • 41 times semi-finalists
  • 20 times Grand Finalists
  • 8 x Premiership wins of which James Makin has Captained us to 4 of these wins – all in succession. This excludes the short-form game achievements:
    • First Grade T20 – 5 x Premiers + 1 x Runner up since the Comp started in 2009/10
    • James Makin also Captained 2 of these Premiership sides + 1 x Runner up
  • 130,100 runs have been scored @ an average of 19.5 runs / wicket
  • 127,863 runs have been scored against us @ 19.2 runs / wicket taken

Our theme music to celebrate our A1 players – Katy Perry’s – Roar

Photo: A1 Captains – John Donaldson (Captain #7), Ken Donaldson (#9), Stuart Dickson (#10), Barry McDonald (#11), Greg Fiedler(#12), Greg Stoneham (#13), Tony Ford (#14). WPH Sports Club – 23 February 2024

A1 Cap debutants

While on A1, last weekend our latest debutants achieved their unique Player number. An A1 Player number is earned by every player who is selected in A1 – it doesn’t include fill-in players so this is a great achievement.

Congratulations to our latest A1 players:

  • Campbell Wallace – cap #  334
  • Harry Hando – cap # 335

To put this in context, since our Club started in 1930/31 we have entered 514 West Penno Teams in all Grades. Using an estimated average number of 16 players / Team / season this means that we have had approx. 8,224 players wear our Club colours. So for our latest debutants and everyone who gets an A1 cap, this puts you in the elite 4% of everyone who has played for West Penno over the last 94 years!

Photo: Outstanding Prospect Award presented to Harry Hando (A2) with Andrew Miedler – Seniors Presentation Night Castle Hill RSL – 5 May 2023

Space Cadet(s)

For our 3rd week in a row we have been gifted not just one but 3 x Space Cadet award winners. This is highly unusual but testimony to the rich vein of talent in our Club this season.

First-up, our Space Cadet theme: Rocket Man

Here goes with our latest Space Cadets:

Ratul Kumbam (C2 Blue)

Ratul had a big night out the night / morning before the game and had to get to the game early after dropping his brother at a party. Where better than to have a nap than on the wicket at Hassell Park.

Check out the photo on the Photo Gallery (C2) on the website.

Rudhra Iyer (C2 Blue)

To quote his Skipper, Hiresh:

“In classic overcast conditions, with not a ray of sunlight in sight, the day started off with a bang—both on and off the field. Rudhra kicked things off (literally) when he opened up his kit, only to realise he’d forgotten his cricket pants. A loud “F…” echoed through the air, setting the tone for a wild day.”

Anand Dixit (C4 Red)

To quote his Skipper (Ross S):

“The ‘unluckiest’ dismissal today belongs to Anand…..a learning experience.

 Hitting a ball into the outfield, atters running back for 2. They think the ball has gone for 4….so walk back into the middle for a chat, only for the ball to hold up in the long grass a few feet from the boundary, fielder lobs the ball to the bowler who takes the bails off. Ball not dead, batter out of his crease….after lots of consultation with umpires Anand given run out.

Wilst not a good look I’m sure an error that will not be repeated again …I hope.”

C4 Dog fight

While it is only 2 Rounds into the Comp all the indications are that the C4 Comp is going to be a battle of the Ages. This is an 11 Team Comp and we have 3 Teams: Blue (Rob); Red (Ross S) & White (Aniva). After 2 Rounds there is 8 x teams within 5 points of each other and with each of our Teams in the Top 4.

Still a long way to go but early indications are to keep watch on how this Comp evolves.

Quote of the week

As background, Bill Peterkin plays in the 1st Grade T20 Semi Final on Sunday (13/10). BP is one of our Club legends and retired from regular cricket in 2013/14 when he played A1. BP does though make the occasional cameo appearance when needed.

With people being away this Sunday, BP answered the call to help out in the T20 game. Anyway, there is a bit of competition to fill the coveted fine leg to fine leg position and BP mentioned to his skipper that he would be happy to fill the role for an over. A quick response from his Skipper (Cam #25 McBrien) said it all:

“My understanding is that it will be for more than one over.”


Photo: Bill Peterkin at the Junior Presentation Day – Oakhill Drive Public School 20 March 2021