Anecdotes – Round 10 (1-Dayer), 2022-23 Season

Sheep Station Trophy

While we have had Senior Teams play against each other in the same Grade since the early 1990’s, our first ever Sheep Station Trophy was played in the Round 8, A2 game on 16th December 2017 @ Dural Park. The Captains were Rick Turner and Simon Smyth.

Since this match, 35 Sheep Station Trophy games have been played. So we might crack 40 games this season once the draw is finalised. The ‘Rules’ that apply are that the Captains need to show proper respect at the coin toss by wearing a coat / tie / hat with ‘bad taste’ clothing combinations gaining special recognition. Once play starts it is up to the players – walking when a batter ‘nicks off’ and accepting an umpires decision without bitching. Good natured banter always gets bonus points.

A question has come up as to whether we play for the Sheep Station Trophy or Sheep Station Cup. It is in fact a Trophy with the original Trophy, made by Rick Turner and presented on 4 May 2018, shown in the attached photo.

Photo: Simon Smyth (left) & Rick Turner at the Seniors Presentation Night 4 May 2018.

A special season

With only 5 games to go we are on our way to another highly successful season. In Seniors we have 10 of our 14 Senior Teams in the top 4 with 6 Teams in either 1st or 2nd spot.

While Participation over Results in Juniors is our mantra, we are also having a good season with each Division (U12 to U16/17) being represented in the top 4.

With just 6 weeks to go until the Semi’s start enjoy


Junior fill-ins

This is always a tough time of the year to field teams with so many players away on holidays. This weekend we a lot of gaps with regular players unavailable. To the rescue – our Juniors with 18 Juniors stepping up including some as young as U13s. To quote Buzz Burrows, our Juniors Director:

“From all reports, they all acquitted themselves well and enjoyed the experience and are keen for more matches when the opportunity arises.

 This is a similar pathway that we had happening pre-Covid, and it’s a fantastic way to bring forward future players, plus an amazing help to sides who were short to have some great young talent to add to the ranks.

 So many of our successful Senior players have started their Seniors career this way and it was fantastic to see this happening again.

 Just wanted to highlight it as I know it builds a strong future for us.”

Best debut

Further to Buzz’s comments above, the 2 x U13 players played with the D1 Reds – Kristian & Harry. Both players starred in their Seniors debut game. Harry took the first wicket with a brilliant run-out and then took an even better 1-handed catch jumping and diving backwards with his left hand to give Kristian his first wicket in Seniors. The Opposition even labelled it the catch of the season!

Harry then backed up to get his first wicket. To complete a great match for the boys. Kristian opened the batting and 2nd top-scored with 16 runs.

To give this a musical interlude a great song dedicated to all of our older players (those 18 plus!) – Forever Young

Photo: Kristian and harry after their great debuts.

Turbo charged sportsmanship

In the D1 Red game this weekend, one of the Normo batters was comprehensively bowled middle sump. As batter left the ground he walked past the stump and decided to pick it up and put it back in its rightful spot – taking some time to get the positioning right.

Leaving the field a 2nd time the batter realised the stump wasn’t properly aligned so he used the bat to get everything right including putting the bails on and then leaving the field for a 3rd and final time.

A word of experience

The A2 boys were playing at the Glade on the weekend and to quote our Skipper (Campbell):

There are conflict-zones in war-torn Syria that would be less of a minefield than this pitch. The sideways, up-and-down movement in it could account for nearly all our wickets.”

One of our best bats (Soham) was particularly unlucky. To quote Campbell again:

“The bowler delivered a bouncer which promptly rolled along the ground striking him on the foot, directly in front.”

As Soham walked back to the sheds the word of an experienced campaigner – Steve Rochow:

Gotta get forward to those mate”


Photo: Steve batting and showing how to get on the front foot.



It runs in the family

During the week, the HK&HDCA Coaches Association ran their renowned annual School Holiday Clinics at the new nets at Mark Taylor Oval. This has over 60 children from across the Association participate with some of the best coaches around. One of the participants was Ollie Makin – youngest son of James & Fiona Makin who just happened to win the Phillip Hughes Medal awarded to the best participant covering performance and attitude. It obviously runs in the family.