Anecdotes – Round 4 (Day 1)

Getting your priorities right

With so many demands on us all it is great to see one of our players get it right. Just sharing this comment about Ram Brahadesh (C4 Red). To quote his Skipper (thanks Mr S):

“…turns up 10 minutes after the start of play, we are batting ….

…”.I’m in trouble with my wife……

we are moving house this weekend from Cherrybrook to Stanhope gardens,  I’ve got a mate helping with the move….

Ram leaving in his whites….mate says where are you going…

Ram says I’m going to cricket….

mate not happy, wife not happy……

 Side note.  We finished early with Ram padded up but no need to bat,  so hopefully he got home to “help” with the move and not in too much trouble.

Photo: Ram (100 not out) & Ray Howard (127 no) after their unbroken 6th wicket innings 188 runs – century scorers – 12 November 2022.

Space Cadet

First up though, we always open this segment with an appropriate theme song in acknowledgement of its significance – an oldy but a goody – by the Carpenters – Calling occupants from interplanetary craft

The proud winner of this week’s prestigious award goes to Connor Hindmarsh (B1). It is alao great to see long term players get the recognition they deserve. Just sharing this note from Lachie Edwards on his Teammate:

“Around 40 minutes before the start of play at Warrina Street on day one, opening batter Connor Hindmarch’s car breaks down on the Pacific Highway at the Berowra Waters Road intersection – about two minutes from the field.

 Despite numerous teammates passing him, it is Captain Todd who fulfils his duty and comes to the rescue, pushing the car to the Berowra Oval carpark and getting Connor to the ground in time for the toss.

 After stumps, Todd, Connor and mechanic by trade (99% sure on this) Sam Kirkegard manage to successfully fix what was a relatively simple issue and get the car up and running again.

 Side note – Connor also made 50 on the day.”

Go the Girls

How good are our Girls going. West Penno has a strong Girls with 80 Girls playing for us this season. When you think about it, this makes our Girls Division bigger than many Clubs.


I got a great note from Tejas during the week:

“I thought to bring to your attention a fact that should make WPHCCC proud.

 In the U13 girls-only rep team for HKHDCA 5 out of 16 players selected currently play for WPHCCC!

 The youngest in the team is my daughter Aarika Dani who is only 10 years old and is the only girl in the team born in 2013.

The rest of the selected girls were born either in 2010, 2011 or 2012.”

This isn’t though a record. The U15 Peden Shield side (2016/17) had 9 of the 12 players! In 2017/18 the Peden Shield ha d 8 of the 14 players in the squad.

In the Boys Reps the 2011/12 U14 Moore Shield Team had 5 West Penno players in the squad of 12 players.

So this wonderful performance for the Girls this season is yet another great performance is a long history of high achievement. Well done Girls for continuing the tradition.

Photo: International Women’s Day – Girls Stages 1 (ages 7 to 10 years), 2 (Ages 10 & 11 years) & 3 (12 to 16 years) – John Purchase Oval – 7 March 2023