Anecdotes – Round 4 (Day 1), 2022-23 Season

Fathers & sons playing together – the sequel

Last weekend we did a story on the Marsden’s (Ron & Jack plus Mat & Bronson – C3 Blue) becoming the first father and son combination in our 92 year history to have played both Juniors and Seniors for our Club and playing together. The accompanying photo was taken at the game last weekend.

There was though intrigue behind the scenes. Ron was the stand-in Captain for Tarun and he made his mark. To quote direct from younger brother Mat:

“Ron decided to put me in at number 11 because I mentioned (give the young fellas a go). I realised after the game this is the first time I’ve batted number 11 in my career…..outrageous!

 I also mentioned to Ron that’s the first time I’ve seen him bat at No 3 (helpful being the skipper!)”

We reckon there might be a few get squares when Mat gets the opportunity to Captain when Tarun might be away next time.

So how did it end up – Ron batted as Ron has always done and got 65 and peppered the boundary.

Fast forward to this weekend and with Tarun back the universe was restored with Mat getting the promotion up the order. The result – the Empire fired back with 66 runs (it had to be one run better) and a 98 run partnership with son Bronson. Now to see both boys batting together to complete the storyline.

Photo: The Marsden’s: Bronson & Mat; Ron & Jack). C3 Blue Vs Castle Hill @ Caterson 4 (16 October 2022).

While on Ron

Any opportunity to give Ron a bit of a serve.

Our popular Match Reports are usually prepared by the Captain and sent to your friendly editor for the Sunday morning updates. We have been running these Match Reports since November 1998 when we launched our first website. Last weekend we had another first – to quote C3 Blue Skipper, Tarun:

“On the match report, Ron sent me photos of handwritten two pages past 10 yesterday. So that explains where match report is at.

 When was the last time you got one hand-written. has to be some kind of record now….”

In answer to Tarun’s question about when we last received a hand-written match report for the website – the answer: this is the first one. So what better musical interlude than this famous old theme: The Flintstones


Space Cadet

Time to move on from Rocket Man as our theme music and now to our new theme: Walking on the Moon

After 2 completed games we now have 2 worth nominations for Space Cadet. Connor Mayoh (D1 Red) didn’t disappoint last week and already we have a Grand Final contender with Chetan Chandrasekhar (C3 Red) who has made a statement that he wants to be in the mix for Space Cadet of the Year. Anyway, the following comments from the Match Report are priceless:

“First game of the main season at Warrina St Oval at Berowra saw everyone uber keen to play some cricket.

 Chetan for some weird reason thought there was no game and was enjoying the weather from his lounge at about 12.30pm when the SOS went out. He got to the ground half an hour after start but never disclosed what good stuff he was on in the morning!

 Batting started off with a diamond duck with Chetan running himself out to his own call, he still didn’t disclose what he was on!”

Photo: Chetan (2nd right) with the D1 Blue boys from last season hit a combined 17 x 6s in an innings last season – 19 February 2022.

Cameron Croucher – one tough player

Cameron Croucher (C3 Red) Skipper is one hell of a tough player. Last weekend he copped a nasty blow to his hand while fielding that split the webbing and required 6 stitches. We have a photo but it is so gruesome we have used an older shot of Cameron with another fielding injury.

The injury happened while fielding and rather than going off to the hospital he did a rough bandage and once the batting innings had finished he the innings and then came in at number 3 – scoring 4 runs until getting out. As mentioned, Cameron then had 6 stitches and is out of action for a few weeks. There is only one music theme that does justice to Cam – Rocky

Photo: an earlier shot of Cameron after dislocating his elbow while fielding – 29th March 2020.

What would your Decision be?

Every now and then we offer a question from the CNSW Umpires & Scorers Association training program to get our members thinking about what their decision would be when umpiring. Here is the latest one:


A batter with a runner is on strike. The ball is a No ball. The striker moves out of his ground to play at the ball, but he misses it. He tries to get back into his ground, but is not able to do so before the wicket-keeper puts the wicket down. The runner is within his ground at square leg. There is an appeal. What is your decision and why? If he is out, state the method of dismissal.


See the last Anecdote below.


The Compromise

Ross Smith (D2 Captain) should get a role in the United Nations. Picture this – our D2 boys were playing Berowra at Northholm Grammar and enjoying the chance to actually get out and play. Then an entourage of Rugby players rocked up thinking they had a ground booking and demanded use of the ground – Ross Smith Vs the masses. The Opposition Captain stayed well clear of the ‘discussions’ and was happy to be briefed – sounds like a job interview for the next CEO of Optus – being invisible when WW3 is happening.

Anyway, after a Teacher confirmed the School got the booking wrong a compromise was struck:

  • At 3.00 pm the game was stopped for 25 minutes to allow a shortened game of football to proceed
  • They then had a 15 minute half-time break and the boys continued their game
  • Another break and the Rugby played their 2nd half for 25 minutes before the game continued at 4.10 pm.

All up we lost over an hour’s play, got to see a game of Rugby and Ross Smith confirming his status as a master negotiator – 1 Vs 100 opposition.

Photo: the game being played withthe rugby boys looking on – Northholm Grammar – 22 October 2022.

1,000,000 runs – status

Each week we are getting closer to the 1,000,000 run milestone with last round producing 2,044 runs scored by our Teams and 2,078 runs scored against our Teams.

The totals are currently:

  • 990,639 runs scored by West Penno
  • 993,631 runs scored against us

Given reasonable weather we are looking at these records being broken in around Round 7 – the first / second week of December.

Club Spirit

You have to hand it to our Cameron McBrien (A1 Skipper #25 and Club Captain). Missing from A1 this week due to a Saturday morning wedding , Cameron came down to Dural Park to support the D1 boys (Blues & Reds) playing in the Sheep Station Trophy. The Reds were short a player due to so many gaps across the Club due to the T20 World Cup in Melbourne so Cameron dons the whites and fields for the boys. It doesn’t stop there.

Time for the Blues to bat and the Red’s were short a fieldsman for the same reason. Enter Cameron who then took the field for the Reds and decided to occupy the spot reserved for cricketing royalty – 1st slip. We won’t mention that he missed 2 sharp chances in successive balls but what a Clubman.

Photo: Cam with Phil Wurth – 6 May 2022

Juggling act

For most of us, tuning up on the weekend, playing and then looking forward to next weekend is what weekend cricket is all about. Spare a thought for the work behind the scenes by our Captains and Seniors Director (James Makin). This weekend we had over 40 players unavailable for Day 1 – this Saturday. Thinking about it, a lot of Clubs don’t have this many players registered let along not available. The reason – the T20 World Cup between India and Pakistan in Melbourne plus the Sydney game on Saturday night. The result? At worse some Teams had 10 players but to get all games underway is an amazing result from our great leaders behind the scenes.

What would your Decision be? – The Answer

The striker’s end umpire shall answer the appeal, not out. Law At no stage has the striker attempted a run, thus cannot be out Stumped from a No ball. The striker is also not susceptible to being Run out due to no other fielder, other than the wicket keeper, coming in contact with the ball before the wicket is fairly broken.