Juniors (mixed)

U12 Purple Team Premiers 2017/18 - Thornleigh Oval 10 March 2018

Welcome to the West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Cricket Club. Our Club was established in 1930 and the 2024/25 season is our 94th

 Last season (2023/24) we entered an amazing 1,179th Junior team since our first year. Few, if any Club in Australia would have registered this number of Teams.

Junior cricket within our Association (the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai & Hills District Cricket Association) is offered to boys & girls aged from U8 to U17 years. Girls also have their own Competition.

Our reputation for promoting participation of all children over results is widely known along with our formal policy of ‘Participation over Results‘ – see below.

Awards & Recognition

Since 2015, we have been awarded 15 x major Cricket NSW, Cricket Australia, SportsNSW and McGrath Foundation awards. The most recent awards are:

‘Inclusion & Diversity Initiative of the Year’

On 16 May 2023, Cricket Australia named us as the national winner of the prestigious ‘Inclusion & Diversity Initiative of the Year’This is for:

“…outstanding delivery of diverse and inclusive experiences by finding clever ways to engage and grow offerings’.

‘Women and Girl’s Initiative of the Year’ – National winner

In May 2022, Cricket Australia awarded us this prestigious award that:

“…celebrate the amazing work of volunteers from across the country and provide an opportunity to recognise the best of the best from across the season.”

Community Cricket Club of the Year – NSW

We won this prestigious recognition in 2017, 2019 and again in 2021. We were also the runner up in the Sport NSW Community Club of the Year 2017 Awards.

Also in 2019 we were nominated by CNSW as their nomination for the Australian Cricket Club of the Year for the ‘Sport for All’ recognition – finishing as runner-up.

CNSW commented in their recommendation:

“WPHCCC has been a great example of bringing people of the community together. The Club has proven that hard work and great volunteers can achieve fantastic outcomes for the cricketing community! The Club encompasses a number of attributes that we believe contribute to what is a great cricket Club.”

Community Contribution

We are proud of our community contribution. In 2021 we were awarded the prestigious ‘Pink Stumps Award’ for being in the top 7 supporters, nationally, of the McGrath Foundation. We have now raised over $65,000 for this great cause since 2011.

Important Information

Key dates (2024/25) are:

  • Registrations (on-line) open – mid June 2024
  • Starting Saturday 7th September 2024
  • Holiday break – Saturday 21st December 2024 (last game)
  • Resuming – Saturday 25th January 2025
  • Last game & Presentations – Saturday 15th March 2025.

The U8s to U11s play morning and occasional afternoon games.

The U12’s to U17’s play Saturday mornings between 8.30am to around 12.30 pm.

When can I register?

On-line Registrations open mid-June 2024. Be quick though to ensure your child guarantees their spot to play with their friends.

How do I register?

Register via our website – Register here

It is mandatory to wear Club playing shirts and caps / hat.

All clothing (playing shirts, training shirts, caps & hats) are bought via our website – Order merchandise here

Cricket Academy

We are excited to again offer our own Cricket Academy that has a structured Program with high quality coaches including many Premier 1st Grade, 1st Class and BBL cricketers.

The Academy runs for 10 weeks. No other Club offers anything like this and it will again be available exclusively to West Penno players.

What happens at the Academy

  • The Academy is run over 10 weeks with a Coach / Player ratio of around 1:4
  • Session details are:
    • U11 – U14:
    • U13 – U17 (Girls)
  • Specialist expert Coaches /strength and conditioning experts ensure an elite experience for all Academy players
  • A1 Grade and Premier 1st Grade cricketers provide specialist 1:1 coaching on a needs basis.


$225 for a 10-week Program. This cost is well below any comparable Cricket Academy Program available – anywhere.

We can do it at this low price as we operate on a not-for-profit basis and our Club subsidises any cost shortfall so that our players can get the best coaching available at very low cost.

This season we start on Wednesday 16th October and run weekly until Friday 06th December 2023. After the Christmas / New Year break we finish up with 2 sessions in early February 2024.

 Participant’s feedback

A comment from a participant last season:

“The coaches are amazing! They are really good at helping improve cricket skills but they are really nice.”

 How do I register?

Please contact the person for more information and details on next steps:

 Free Clinics

Coaching has a big focus in our Club. Apart from having over 30 active Level 1 Coaches, we have 3 level 2 coaches. We also have a professional coaching arrangement in place that provides high quality coaching to all our junior players at no cost by Level 1 and level 2 qualified coaches who have come through our playing pathway.

A snapshot view:

  • 38 teams were registered from U8s to U17s
  • Our ‘Participation over Results’ policy ensures that no teams are graded and that everyone gets a ‘fair go’
  • Last season we had 10 x Semi Finalists and 6 x Grand Finalists in the 5 Grades that have Finals. Congratulations to our U12; U14 & U17 Premiers
  • What was especially pleasing was the cluster of teams finishing within striking distance of the Finals. In the U12’s for example, we had 3 teams in the top 4 positions and 6 Teams in the top 6 positions in a 17 Team comp.

Here is an extract from comments passed on to us by the Umpire, Gavin Wingfield – an Association Life Member of the U13 Gold Vs U13 Purple Teams playiung in the elimination Semi Final (1 March 2025)”: 

“I umpired the Under 13 Semi-Final yesterday between WPHCCC Gold and WPHCCC Purple and I wanted to let you know what an absolute pleasure it was. 

The conduct of both teams, the attitude between the teams, the smiles, the nerves, the effort and skill level was absolutely incredible.  The coaches were great working together for the welfare and enjoyment of the players while remaining competitive and encouraging them.  The mums, dads and family members spectating were respectful of the players with lots of encouragement of their players and no discouragement of the opposition.

 One of the boys dropped a catch and was upset with himself and it was great to hear the batsman tell him he was unlucky and that he had made great effort. 

The skill level was also outstanding all around, there were very few loose balls bowled and when they all have to bowl I was really impressed.  The array of shots and the quality of defences was also incredible.  I don’t think we had an lbw not because there was nothing on the stumps but because the players played the line so if it beat the bat it was either a fraction high or squeezing down leg.  The majority of the players would not be out of place playing seniors already, which speaks volumes for their skill set. 

I congratulate the Club on their motivation and development of these players.

 I will put my hand up for the grand final next weekend if needed (and one of our more experienced umpires isn’t available) but please pass on my thanks and congratulations to both teams for a great days play, worthy of a grand final everyone in attendance was an absolute credit to your Club.”

Team entrances for last season (2024/25) were:

Junior (Mixed) Teams

U8s x 4 (5 last season)

U9 x 5 (4)

U10 x 5 (6)

U11 x 6 (6)

U12 x 6 (5)

U13 x 5 (5)

U14 x 3 (3)

U15 x 3 (20

U17 x 1 (2)

Total = 38 Teams last season)


One of the great opportunities of playing for West Penno gives is the chance to play in the Country Carnivals over the New Year. Traditionally this is reserved for Representative teams but we are privileged to be invited due to our Club size – the only Club side in NSW to have this opportunity. The Carnivals are:

  • U14s Tamworth JCU Carnivals
    This was the first of our Carnivals and goes back to 2010/11. We play teams from Regions such as: Armidale, Barbarians, Tamworth, Nambucca / Belligen,
  • U15 Walter Taylor Shield (Armidale)
    Teams that we play include Armidale, Northern District, Lismore, Hunter Valley and Tamworth.
  • U16 Stan Austin Cup (Taree)
    The accompanying link gives an insight into how Country Associations see our Club. The link is from an NBN News Report in early January 2015:

A great quote from Rob Hanich, Coach of our U14 side to Tamworth that won 4 out of 5 games in 2017 explains the experience well:

“…even more important than how the boys performed on the cricket field, is the way they bonded as a unit and became great mates and had loads of fun. I am sure there were times when they could have skipped the cricket and just headed straight to the pool. The boys didn’t all know each other before this week, but it didn’t take long. There were no ego’s, no friction, just great fun. I hope they remember this trip for a long time!”

More Information

To be eligible to play in any particular grade, a player must be under the age of the nominated age group as listed at midnight on the 31st August of that playing season.

For example: to be eligible to play U9s for the 2024/25 season, your child needs to be 8 years of age, or younger as at 31st August 2024. To play U14’s, your child needs to be 13 years of age as at 31st August 2024.

Each Age Division has an Age coordinator. The people looking after these important roles last season (2023/24) are:

Age Division

Age Convenor Email

Contact number

Cricket Blast (Ages 5 to 6)

Danielle Chivers Cricket Blast Director 0408 597 645
U8 (8 years or younger as at 31/8/2024) Paul Keating U8 Convenor 0406 381 484
U9 (9 years or younger as at 31/8/2024) Vicky Votoupal U9 Age Convenor 0451 207 494
U10 (9 years or younger as at 31/8/2024) Paul Keating U10 Age Convenor 0406 381 484
U11 (10 years or younger as at 31/8/2024) Rosh Naran U11 Age Convenor 0420 294 640
U12 (11 years or younger as at 31/8/2024) Mark Hayes U12 Age Convenor 0401 454 540
U13 (12years or younger as at 31/8/2024) Jo & Tim Wilson U13 Age Convenor Jo: 0412 178 806


Tim: 0417 836 726

U14 (13 years or younger as at 31/8/2024) Karl Erdmanis U14 Age Convenor 0439 995 275
U15 (14 years or younger as at 31/8/2024) Ratna Siva U15 Age Convenor 0412 839 197
U16/17 (17 years or younger as at 31/8/2024) Indranil  Mukherjee U17 Age Convenor

0488 846 372


Our Club is a strong supporter of the Cricket Australia standards where children are involved. Checkout our dedicated section of the website on Child Protection & Safety for a detailed explanation – here


The WPHCCC has a “Participation over Results” policy in Junior Cricket – Junior Blasters, Girls and Boys. Coaches are encouraged to make sure that all players get equal amounts of batting and bowling over a full season – especially in the younger age groups.

For us, the development of cricket at a Junior level is more important than winning trophies. For our Club, success is about retaining or increasing the number of boys and girls playing cricket.

Please remember:

  • children play to satisfy themselves and not adults or members of their own peer group
  • cricket must be administered, taught and provided for the good of all children who want to play the game. It is their game!

 Player’s Code

  • Cricket should be fun. Play because you want to.
  • Play by the rules and spirit of the game
  • Don’t argue with umpires. Never dispute an Umpires decision by word, gesture or action.
  • Sledging other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is dumb and not good enough. This includes unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and Team motivation.
  • Be a good sport; acknowledge good play, by your team and your opponent
  • Bullying or taking unfair advantage of any player is not on. This includes on-field intimidation and off-field bullying by SMS and/or chat-rooms.
  • Co-operate with your coach, manager, team-mates, umpires and opponents – without them you don’t have a game.

 Parent’s Code

  • Parents are encouraged to actively participate wherever possible. Things like; scoring, umpiring or just being there supporting your child. Cricket, in our Club, should not be seen as a baby-sitting service. Your child will be the winner.
  • Remember, children are involved in cricket for their enjoyment, not yours
  • Focus on your child’s efforts and performance rather that winning or losing
  • Never ridicule or yell at any child for making a mistake – it is only a game.
  • Children learn best by example; applaud good play by your team and by members of the opposing team
  • Derogatory comments about your own team or other players is unacceptable
  • Respect Official’s decisions and teach children to do likewise. Officials are volunteers and without them, your child won’t have a game!
  • Differences (gender, ability/disability, cultural) are irrelevant – treat everyone with respect and dignity.

Spectator’s Code

  • Children play cricket for their own fun; they are not there to entertain you and they are not playing for sheep stations.
  • Be on your best behaviour; don’t use bad language, harass players, coaches or umpires
  • Show respect for the opposition, without them there would be no game – applaud good play from both teams
  • Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake during the game
  • Respect the umpire’s decision – always
  • Encourage players to play within the laws and spirit of the game.

Coaches Code

  • Young people participate for the fun of competing – not just the winning.
  • Think about measuring your success by the number of children wanting to play next season. Win/loss ratios are forgotten about at the end of the season and are not important.
  • Put things in perspective and move on after adversity – look for the learnings. It is only a game.
  • Encourage lots of laughter and a sense of fun
  • Make mistakes, give it a go – get involved and don’t take yourself too seriously.
  • Never ridicule or yell at a younger player for making a mistake or not coming first
  • Be reasonable in your demands on players’ time, energy and enthusiasm
  • Sudden change – practice adapting to it. Try players in unfamiliar positions and multi-skill every player
  • Operate within the rules and Spirit of Cricket and teach your players to do the same. Show control and respect to everyone involved in cricket. Encourage your players to do the same
  • Avoid overplaying the talented players; all young players need and deserve equal time, attention and opportunities
  • Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of players
  • Consider attending a Level 0 / Level 1 Coaching course run through the Club, on behalf of Cricket NSW
  • Any physical contact with a young person should be appropriate
  • Praise children in public but never criticise them in front of their peers
  • Give everyone a ‘fair go’ gender, ability, cultural background or religion doesn’t matter.

Umpires Code

  • Act on unsporting behaviour from both sides and promote respect for all opponents
  • Your behaviour and comments should be positive and supportive – you set an example
  • Anyone participating as an umpire, is, according to the Laws of Cricket, deemed to be an umpire. Accordingly, there are responsibilities imposed on them by the Laws:
    • Firstly, the person must act as a qualified umpire – conducting themselves in a dignified way, give decisions in an unbiased and impartial manner and not become involved in lengthy conversations with the players on the field.
    • Secondly, the players are to show proper respect to that person and the decisions given as they would a qualified umpire.


  • People who choose to play for our Club do so knowing our expectations on behaviour. Should there be breaches of our Code the Club’s Disciplinary Committee will look at issues referred to it as necessary.

This policy has been instrumental in the development of Junior Cricket in our Club so what does it mean?

It is about providing opportunities for ALL players to participate and contribute in matches, as well as providing a positive and encouraging environment for all. This makes for a healthy ‘team culture’ and helps us to retain players year to year, a record our Club is very proud of.

This policy does not necessarily require coaches to evenly allocate overs to all bowlers nor to systematically rotate the batting order in every match, although this is an option that has been used successfully in past seasons. It is acknowledged that every team is unique. Every player has their own unique skill level, abilities, confidence level and their own personal goals. Therefore the coach needs to use their judgement and knowledge of the players and parents to provide opportunities for all players to participate, and to develop their skills over the course of the season.

Many factors need to be considered, including player safety, player ability, confidence levels, the abilities of the opposition, player availability, ambitions and goals of players and parents. Of course our Club wants to be competitive and to celebrate personal and team achievements – but not at the expense of providing an inclusive and supportive environment for all our players. We judge success by the number of children who back-up the next season.

Games are normally played on Saturday between 8.30 am and 12.00 noon – exact times vary between age groups. All games are played in the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai and Hills District. No Club has a ‘home ground’. However, WPHCCC teams are drawn to play on the local grounds on a ‘home’ and away basis.

Players are required to wear:

  • white pants (shorts or long pants) – generally the in older the age groups the pants are long
  • Club playing shirts are compulsory and training shirts optional – these are high quality shirts of the same material /quality used by International cricketers
  • white socks
  • predominantly white shoes.

Our Club offers:

  • Quality coaching. We have a specialist Coaching Team with Level 2 and Level 1 qualifications. In addition we offer a 10-week Academy plus free skills Clinics that involve our specialist coaches and Premier 1st Grade, First Class & BBL players
  • an annual Year Book
  • annual Team Photos
  • Umpire Training courses
  • Coaching Certificate courses
  • Finally, we offer a Club culture that embraces a ‘Participation over Results’ policy where everyone gets a fair go and has been recognised at NSW and Australian awards.