Inducted 22nd July 2021
- Managed numerous Junior Teams
- Age Convenor (2013/14 to 2018/19) and Juniors Secretary between 2010/11 and 2018/19
- Juniors Director between 2016/17 and 2018/19
- Club Vice President 2019/20 to current
- Captain of multiple Seniors Teams since 2019/20 to current
- Premiership winning Captain (C4) in 2020/21
- Umpires Secretary (2017/18 and 2018/19) and awarded the Integrity Cup in 2017/18
- In 2018/19 to current, Rob was elected as the Association Junior Secretary, despite his son, Aden, finishing his Junior cricket involvement – the 1st Junior Secretary in our history. His achievements have been significant:
- negotiated the CA Pathways initiative with CNSW;
- actively involved Clubs in all decisions affecting the Junior Competition;
- provided outstanding leadership through Covid-19 (2020/21 to 2021/22) with a seamless competition during the challenging period;
- integrated Girls and Boys competitions into a single entity
- In 2024/25, in addition to the Association Junior Secretary role he was elected to the demanding Seniors Secretary role. This is the first time in the Association’s history that anyone has held both of these challenging roles.
Apart from being an outstanding Captain, Rob’s Association leadership through the Covid-19 pandemic was amazing. His clear thinking and ‘how to make it happen’ approach was instrumental in setting up the Association for success post the pandemic.
Photo: Rob Hanich (left) and Steve Burrows (Life Member #26) – Club Registration Day at Oakhill Drive Public School – 28 July 2019.