News – 25 September 2022

Coming up

  • Season start 2022/23:
    • Girls – Saturday 8th October
    • Junior Blasters – Saturday 8th October

Association News

The Association has released the Season calendar and it can be viewed – Season calendar

Cricket NSW latest

School Holiday Clinic

A Sydney Sixers School Holiday Program has been scheduled! Details are:

  • Name – Sydney Sixers Holiday Program
  • Date – Tuesday 4 October 2022
  • Time – 9.00 am to 3.00 pm
  • Location – Greenway Park (Oval 2)
  • Cost – $50 per participant

The contact for the day is our region’s CNSW Blast Specialist, Stuart Fone (

200 Women in Cricket – invitation

A Cricket NSW initiative, led by the amazing Julie Stafford, has set-up a network of amazing women doing great things across NSW. To quote Julie:

“We’d like to harness these collective experiences by creating a network of “Wicket Wisdom”  – to share best practice, tips and tricks and resources. We’ll host short videos, create resources, and share your great ideas to help us all make a difference at your Club or Association.

 So, if you’re a female in a cricket club, whether as a player, a Mum, a young adult or as a current committee member– we’d like to invite you to join in our WiCKETS network.

 More about us info here:

 Please fill in below and we’ll send you a link to join in the group or join our Facebook page directly! Once you’re in the group – you can then invite others to join too.




Registrations remain open all season for the Blowfly, Junior Blasters & Master Blasters as these are non-competition program.

All other Registrations close once caps are reached in each Age Division, including Seniors.

Registration process

If you still want to register than just go to our Registration page and follow the prompts – WPHC – Registration

Blowfly Cricket

Season arrangements

We will again be offering Blowfly Cricket to our players with autism at James Henty Oval. More details to follow shortly.

Channel 10 – The Project story

Check out the News report on Channel’s 10 ‘The Project’ –Blowfly TV item from about 1:43 secs.



There are 4 x formats for Girls and the details are below:

  • Junior Blasters – girls & boys aged 5 to 7 years of age – Saturday morning
  • Stage 1(a) – Master Blasters (Girls Only who are new to cricket)
  • Stage 1 (b) Sixers Girls Cricket – Saturday afternoon (1.00 pm)
  • Stages 2 & 3 – Sixers Girls Cricket League Saturday afternoon

Check out full details, including how to register then go to the following link – WPHC – Junior Girls

Juniors (mixed)

Season format

The season format is: Season calendar .

In summary:

  • Round 14 – 17th December  with a 5-week break over Christmas / New Year
  • Round 15 – starts again on Saturday 28th January with 5 weeks of normal Comp games
  • Semi Finals – Saturday 4th and 11th February 2023
  • Grand Final – Sunday 12th March 2023


The season calendar is: Season calendar .

A Grade Competition

With only 4 x Teams nominating for A1 Grade the Association has implemented a smart solution. The A1 grade & A2 (Kookaburra Cup) Grades will be combined for the first 9 rounds allowing each Club to play each other once.

At the completion of 9 rounds the combined grade will be split in to the respective A grade and A Reserve grade competitions where each team will have the opportunity to play each other once before finals.

The combined Grade will play 70 overs per day (2 x 35 over innings One Day matches) with 1.00pm starts. All matches will be played on a combination of turf and synthetic with teams that nominated for A1 grade scheduled to play on turf every week.

Further details to follow.

B1 to D2 Grades

The first 7 x Rounds for all Grades will consist of One Day matches for Rounds 1 & 2 followed by 2 Day matches for Rounds 3 to 6 and a 2-day game for Round 7 on the 3rd & 4th December.

Due to a shortage of grounds up until Xmas individual Grades will be scheduled to play at least one full round on a Sunday.

Sunday play

For Round 1 D Reserve grade will be scheduled to play on Sunday 25/9 and for Round 2 D1 Grade will play on Sunday 2/10. It may also be necessary to schedule an additional match from another Grade to a Sunday slot which will be confirmed by tomorrow morning after consultation with various teams.

T20 Finals

As this will impact on T20 semi-finals scheduled for 25/9 the semi-finals for 5th Grade will be postponed until the 9/10 with 1st to 4th Grades contesting semi-finals on Sunday 25/9.

As in previous years it will the top 4 teams based on points accrued and Net Run Rate for any teams equal on points.


Seniors training schedule is:

  • Wednesday – WPH Sports Club nets from 4.00 pm until dark
  • Friday – John Purchase Oval from 4.00 pm

Competition structure

T20 Semi Finals

Are played this Sunday. The 5th Grade Semi will be played on Sunday 9th October 2022.


Away Venue

Start Time

1st Grade

Hornsby Gold

WPH (Campbell) Montview East


2nd Grade

WPH Red (Todd)

Kissing Point Greenway


4th Grade

WPH Blue (Rob)

Lions Greenway


5th  Grade


Main Season

  • Round 1 – Saturday 24th September
  • One day games – Rounds 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 (7 matches)
  • Two day games – Rounds 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 13 & 14 (7 matches)
  • Finals:
    • Semi’s – 4th & 11th March 2023
    • Grand Final – Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th March 2023

Match Reports

Starting Sunday 25th September, Match Reports will be available on the ‘Match Report’ section of the website every Sunday.


Our popular Anecdotes section will also start up from Sunday 25th September.

Cricket Australia acknowledgement

Cricket Australia recently sent us a congratulatory note:

“….playing a vital role in the amazing growth of women and girls playing the game over the last four years.”

 With input from Cricket NSW, and national participation data from Cricket Australia, WPHCCC has been identified as one of a group of clubs in Australia with the potential to further grow girls’ participation.”

After recently winning the national ‘Women’s & Girls initiative of the Year” this is further great recognition of both the health of Girls cricket in our Club but also that Girls cricket is on the move nationally and especially in our Club.

T20 World Cup – ‘Squads’ initiative

The Men’s T20 World Cup kicks-off on 16 October and runs until 13 November. In brief:

  • 45 matches played across Adelaide, Brisbane, Geelong, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney
  • Australia drawn with New Zealand, England and Afghanistan in addition to two teams who get through from Round 1
  • Final to be played at the MCG on November 13
  • First time Australia have ever hosted the pinnacle men’s event for T20 cricket

Cricket Australia has set up a great initiative called ‘Squads’. This is an initiative where people supporters for each of the participating countries can be part of a national supporters group. To find out more check out the following links:

Check out the links and be part of the build-up – THIS IS YOUR SQUAD V3